Machinarium Walkthrough

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Machinarium Walkthrough Content 1. Introduction 2. Full walkthrough 1. Cart station 5.

Machinarium - Walkthrough -MACHINARIUM WALKTHROUGH-Hello and welcome to my Machinarium walkthrough! To make things slightly easier I have separatedout the various rooms. The new room is indicated by a # at the start and end. I have not added acontrols section because nearly everything is controlled by the mouse.Machinarium and everything associated with it is copyright of Amanita Design.Firstly I am aware that there is an ingame walkthrough, but this way you don't have to play an irritatinglittle minigame every room.#Scrap Yard#The game starts with the little robot protagonist being transported to a scrap heap. He gets kicked outof the robot plane and breaks into pieces. Your first job is to put him back together again.

Click on thebath twice and your body will kick it away. Then click on the robot's body twice and it'll spring itselfdown in front of his head. Then click on his head and you have yourself a torso, albeit missing anarm. You should see another little robot scuttling around, resembling some sort of rodent. Click onthat and your character will ask about your missing limbs and the other robot will talk about a missingtoy.

The toy is some way above your head and to reach it you move your mouse over your characteruntil it turns into two arrows. Then you click and drag upwards to extend your body.

Then click on thetoy and you'll swallow it. Then click on the toy in your inventory (at the top of the screen) and click onthe robot that asked for it. You'll give it the toy and it'll scuttle off and return with your leg.Next you'll need the magnet sticking to the fan just to the right of your character. Click on it, and after alittle trouble, he'll swallow it. Next click on the coil of wire to the right of where the magnet was. Heshould suck it up like spaghetti. Now we need to combine the two items we just picked up.

Click onone of them and then click on the other and the wire will be tied around the magnet. Now before weneed to do anything we need to walk over next to the metal pole like structure standing just before thehole filled with water.

Click on it and he'll bend it over the hole with his foot. Next click on the Wire andMagnet and then click on the end of the pole. He'll swing it around the pole and lower it into the waterand Bingo, you are whole again.

He'll then swing over the gap and onto the next room.#Drawbridge#As soon as you reach this room you'll be knocked aside by a policeman who will be allowed acrossthe drawbridge by another one. This is important because you are going to impersonate a policeman.To do this you'll need to be taller, and to have a blue hat with a light in. As making your character talleris easily solved, we'll focus on the hat.First click on the traffic cone just before the drawbridge and he'll swallow it.

Keep clicking on the trafficcones and he'll throw them away to reveal a pot of blue paint. Next click on the blue paint and thenuse it on the basin of white liquid to the left of where the traffic cones where.

Now dip the traffic cone inthe blue liquid and you have yourself a blue hat. Now we need to get it a light. We need to take out thelight from the lamppost and to do this we need to climb up the rungs. Walk over next to the lamppostand when your cursor turns into an arrow, over the rungs, click and he'll begin climbing. Click on thenext rung up and he'll climb again, but there are no longer any rungs to climb to.

Therefore we'll needto take the rung below us. Click it and he'll reach down and grab it. Simply put it into the hole aboveyou and you'll be able to climb again. Now we need to repeat ourselves by reaching down to the takeout the rung below us and putting it in the top hole. Climb up another four times and you'll be standingon the top most rung. Stretch yourself to your largest size then click on the bulb in the lamppost, he'llunscrew it, swallow it then fall off the lamppost. Now combine the bulb with the blue hat and you'vegot yourself a police hat.

Click on it and then yourself and he'll put the hat on. Then you need to stretchyourself to make yourself taller. Then walk over next to the thing that the previous policeman pulledand click on it. He'll pull it, ask the other policeman to lower the drawbridge, and continue on his way.#Cart tracks#Oops, that's gotta hurt. Oh well, at least you're in a new area.

First, walk over next to the lever at the leftof the room. There's no point pulling it at the moment as it'll just send a cart down the tracks and intoa new room. Instead click on the hook resting on the wall below the lever.

Then use it on the end ofthe banister on the stairs and he'll attach it. Now you can operate the lever from the bottom of thestairs using the banister.Now walk back down to where you started, next to the container, and shrink yourself down to yoursmallest size. Then click on the control panel at the right of the room under the container. He'll reachunder and activate it. You'll want to set it to A-2 and press the red button. The tube above you willretract briefly and then extend into a hole just above the lever.

Now walk back over to the lever andextend yourself to your tall size again. Then click on the tube above you and he'll jump up and grab it.Now move your cursor next to your character until it turns into an arrow facing right and click. He'llmake his way along the tube. When he reaches the end, click on the item that looks rather like ayellow doorstop. He'll grab it and then jump down to the ground. Put the doorstop on the closest trackto the camera and click on the banister to pull the lever sending down a cart.

The cart will hit the stopand fly off the tracks, landing just to the right of you. Click on the cart's wheels and he'll unscrew themand put them on the track. Then click on the wheels and he'll sit on them. Click on the banister againand a cart will rattle down and take you to the next room.#Furnace Room#As you enter this room another, rather fat, robot will break his way in.

As he walks over and startseating the stuff in the cart you should have a memory of him bullying you. After that walk over to thedoor at the right side of the room and pick up the key dangling off a hook to the right of the door. Nextyou should see a small black box to the bottom right of the main furnace, with three wires coming outof it: a green one, blue one and a faint orange one.

The orangey one leads to a red button, which youneed to push. It will open the black box. You need to walk over to it, extend yourself, and click on it. Youwill be presented with three switches, each with a number. You'll want to set 1 to the bottom and 2 tothe top and 3 to the bottom. Now hit the red button at the side. You need to be quick at this point.While the crane swings around (the first movement you set) you need to shrink yourself back tonormal size, run over to the empty cart, and click on it to hop inside.

The crane should drop and grabhold of you. As it lifts up and swings round to drop its load into the fire you'll want to click on theplatform to the left and your character will hop off and onto the platform. If for whatever reason youpulled the lever on the left side of the room, getting rid of the cart, simply use the crane to empty it.Now use the key on the panel at the left of the platform, and you'll see some wires. Rearrange the twowires at the top left of the panel, then hop off the platform by clicking on them. This stops the cranefrom swinging left and instead it swings right, towards the pipe where the fat robot came from.

This isour way out.Press the button sending the crane on its way like we did before. Instead this time click to the right bythe pipe to hop in. If for some reason the crane doesn't drop down it means that the wires havebecome untangled. You should see some wires sparking half way along the green wire leading out ofthe black box. Connect the red wires to the black wires to set things back to normal.#Prison Cell#Oh no!

No fear, we'll get out. If you click on the robot in the cell with you he'll tell you that hewants a spliff. So we're going to make him one.

First take the weeds growing out of the pipe to theright of the room. Then walk over next to the light, extend yourself, and use the weeds on the light. It'llfry them and you'll have some weed for the inside of your spliff.

To make the paper, just take sometoilet paper and combine it with the weed. Then give it to the robot.

He'll light it with his eye socket andthen you'll shake hands, but you accidentally wrench his arm off.Now shrink yourself down next to what looks like a large mouse hole in the left side of the room. You'llbe able to see into the cell next to you. Now use the robots arm on the hole and he'll use it to reachthrough, scaring the robots on the other side. Don't worry about them and instead click on the hole onthe left side, furthest away from the camera. You should see something resembling a sort of safe,with a broom on the top. Click on one of the safe's legs and the robot will start shaking it. Keepclicking and the broom will eventually be shaken off onto the floor.

Click on the broom and he'll take itwith him into his cell. Now walk over to the tap, where you got the weeds from, and click on the Handleat the top. Click a few times and he'll unscrew it and it'll fall to the ground. Pick it up and combine itwith the broom and he'll attach it to the end. Use the broom on the manhole cover in the centre of thecell and he'll remove it, giving you your freedom.#Outside the Cell#Walk along under your cell and you'll come out under the table of the other Bully Robot, who'sshooting ball bearings into a target. You'll then have a dream of the robot disrupting a date with youand another robot.

Time to get a bit of revenge. When the Bully Robot leans back to take another shotclick on his chair, and you'll knock him backwards disrupting his shot. Then click on the ball bearingsin the bowl, quickly before he rights himself, and you'll steal him. He'll then get up and, finding no ballbearings in his bowl, start taking them out of the target.

This gives you a small window to climb out ofthe hole. First though, click on the key that the Bully Robot has in his belt and you'll steal it. You mighthave to repeat this step a few times to get everything done. Next scatter the ball bearings on the floorjust below the box with two keyholes in. Then you'll want to put the key you stole from the Bully Robotinto the left keyhole, releasing the two prisoners that you scared earlier (if this doesn't release themthen try putting it into the right keyhole as well).As the two prisoners begin escaping the Bully Robot will notice them and start chasing them.

As heruns towards the stairs however he'll trip over the ball bearings and slide into the cells, thus gettingrid of him. If you haven't scattered the ball bearings on the floor he'll simply force the prisoners backinto their cells and you'll have to repeat everything again.Bully Robot RoomYou're now back in the room where you first saw both the robots seemingly making a bomb out ofwhat was in the carts. And sure enough if you take a look through the telescope you'll notice that theBully Robots are attaching the bomb to the side of the tallest tower in the city. There's not much to doin this room otherwise. Click on the button next to the door and the lights will dim, revealing twoluminous hands on the click, indicating 4:45.Now go back into the previous room and go through the left door into a room with the three cells.#Prison Cells#Go to the far right of the room and you'll see a small control panel. When you click it it'll come up witha display similar to that of a digital clock. This is where the luminous clock hands come in.Enter 4:45 into the control panel and the left door will slide open.

Enter into it and you'll enter the cellwhere you got the broom before. You'll have to complete a puzzle to get the safe to open.

The objectis to get all the green circles in the inner triangle. If you're impatient like me then it can be solved byrandomly twiddling the dials.You'll get a type of gun out of it, similar to the ones that fire corks. Now go out of this cell and into themiddle cell.

Make yourself taller and take the plunger off of the ceiling. Combine the plunger with thegun and you have a plunger gun. Now go back out and back into the room with the Clock andtelescope, then leave by the door next to the telescope.#Outside the Bully Robot's Hideout#Go left from the room you come to when you leave the Bully Robot's Room and you'll find a pink robot,with a pink umbrella, standing next to a path that's pouring down with water. Obviously you'd short-circuit if you went under this water so you need the umbrella. However to get it you need to find thePink Robot's dog for her.Next to the Pink Robot there is a control panel for the crane above. To operate the crane we first haveto play a little mini game.

The idea of the game is to get all the down arrows to the bottom and vice-versa. You can attempt this yourself if you want but I will list the solution in a diagram below.The red button resets the puzzle.Clicking a button will move it into the nearest possible space. It can jump one button. Letters relate tobuttons, the letter that has moved indicates which button to press.ABCDEF/ABCDEF/ABDCEF/ABDCEF/ABDECF/ADBECF/(A has moved down)ADBECF/DABECF/DAEBCF/DAEBFC/DAEBFC/DAEFBC/DEAFBC/DEAFBC/DEFABC/DEFABCWhen everything is in place click the lever on the right side of the panel and the crane will move down.Now go back to the room on the right. You should see large red containers, one on top of the other.Go to the right of the containers and click on them. He should push them to the left side of the screenthen stop.

Click them again and he'll push them until they're under the magnet in the room on the left.It'll pick up the top container. Now push the bottom one back to where it was originally. Now hop ontothe concrete post to the right of it (the thing that ships are tied to) and then onto the red container.Then extend yourself and climb up the ladder just above the container and into the cabin above.

You'llbe presented with a display with several lights and buttons. Using the button on the right turn thearrow so that it is turned to 4 o'clock. Then click the top button, the one with the symbol usuallymeaning play. The oil container floating in the water will move to the right side of the room. You cansee over here that the lady's dog is sniffing around near some barrels.

If you press the bottom buttontwice the oil container will drip some oil onto the ground, which attracts the dog. Then use the plungergun on the dog to grab it and take it across the water. You will then swallow it whole.Give the dog back to the Pink Robot and she'll give you her umbrella (and throw your gun away).

Usethe umbrella on the water and away you go.#Musicians Hangout#You'll come into a room with three musicians, who are sad because their instruments have beenstolen or wrecked. We'll focus on one musician at a time.DrummerWalk into the bar on the right and take the sticky white tape that's hanging down from a shelf towardsthe right of the bar. Then leave the bar and walk over next to the pump that's pumping out the filthygreen liquid into a vat underneath.

It should have tons of flies buzzing around it. Use the sticky tape tocapture some of these flies. Walk back into the bar and use the flies on the bartender. These will buzzaround him distracting him. Then click on the barrel of oil and you'll drag it out and give it to thedrummer as a replacement drum. The Drummer will start drumming and you'll start dancing. Then anangry neighbour throws a flowerpot at you, which rather spoils it.SaxophonistWalk back into the bar and you'll see a robot sitting at a table, seemingly playing a game.

He's soengrossed in his game that you can tap him on the shoulder and he won't even react. Instead go andsit on the spare chair and click on the table and you'll challenge to a game of connect 5, meaning theobject is to get five Nuts in a row.

When you beat him you'll find out that he's a sore loser and he'll hitthe board sending the pieces all over the place. Pick up all the pieces and you have the plugs youneed for the saxophone. When you pick up the plug off the door make sure to look through the glassas you'll see the three bully robots have got together.

Anyway, go give the pieces to the saxophonistand he'll play his music. Once again the angry neighbour spoils it by throwing another plant pot. Thisone has a plant in it so make sure to take it once it hits the ground.Didgeridoo playerGo up the stairs, and then continue up the stairs in the next room, and you'll come to the main square.I'll deal with this at a later point, but for now just go left and you'll come to a bridge and just before thatyou'll see a robot working on some wires. If you open the panel on the lamppost you'll see you haveanother puzzle. However as you start completing it you'll find a piece drops out and is taken away byan owl. To get it back walk to the middle of the bridge, and you'll find the owl mimics you by landing onthe wire above.

Make yourself tall then small repeatedly and the wire will finally snap causing the owlto fall to the ground, coughing up the piece. Now pick up the piece and tie the broken wire to thebridge. Return it to the panel on the lamppost and use it to complete the puzzle.

The idea of thispuzzle is to connect the white lines from bottom to top.Hint: The missing piece finishes up in the top left corner.Now we're going to have to cause a bit of mischief. Climb up the ladder that the Robot working on thewires is standing up. You'll also climb up his back. Unplug his tool and he'll pause in his job. Nowclimb back down and click on the loop of the wire that's hanging down.

This will cause the wires toget all tangled up. The working robot will then move his ladder over to the other set of wires and startunsuccessfully trying to untangle them.

You can them climb up him to reach the sleeping robot cat.When you click it your character will pull on its tail and it'll screech and jump down to the bridge. If youtied the wire to the bridge before fixing the lamppost panel then the cat will be electrocuted, which youwant to happen. Now go and remove the piece from the panel on the lamppost, turning off theelectricity and allowing you to pick up the stunned cat.Now we've done that we need to go back to the Didgeridoo player. Use the cat on the Didgeridoo andit'll chase out the creature that has taken up residence in it. The band can now play again! Watch yourlittle fella dance!

Unfortunately the neighbour has gotten really angry now and she throws her radiodown at you, burning out the speaker. You can still take the rest of it though as we'll need to use itlater.Now continue up the stairs and go back to the#Main Square#First things first, you'll want to click on the robot in the wheelchair and he'll hold out an oil can askingfor you to get some oil for him. Take the oil can, we'll fill it up later.Next you'll want to take the lever which is sticking out of a hole some way in front of the water featurein the middle of the square, near to the camera. Then you'll want to use the lever on a hole just to theright of a large set of doors, to the right of a praying robot. If you look at the piece of paper stuck to adoor just to the right of the handle you'll see a moon at the top with symbols and roman numeralsbelow it. These correspond to the symbols and numerals on the clock above.

You'll see at themoment that the inner hand is pointing to the symbol for Pi, so turn the hands round until the innerhandle is pointing to the symbol that looks like two horizontal triangles pointing towards each other.Then change the clock to VII as shown by the piece of paper above the handle. When you do this thepraying robot will get up and go to church.This will reveal a piece of paper with the Star of David at the top and some more symbols andnumerals. Switch to clock so it faces the symbol at nine o'clock and then set the clock to VI.

This willcause the Jewish Robot to come down from where he was and go into the church. You can then goup to his little cabin and steal the speaker he had set up there. Combine it with your radio and you'vegot a working one.Now go back down to the Musicians hangout and go through the left door.

Put the oil can on the floor,next to the drawbridge, and let it fill with oil. Then take it back to the robot in the wheelchair. He'll oilhimself up and roll his wheelchair off of the manhole cover. He'll then ask you for some sunflower oil,and you can take the oil can again. Take off the manhole cover and go down below the main square.#Below the Main Square#You'll see a robot resembling a wrench sitting on the top of a pipe. Click on him and he'll talk abouthow his gramophone was stolen. He wants it back before he will unscrew anything.

Thankfully wenow have a replacement! Use the radio we repaired and he will agree to unscrew the cap holding thewater in the water tank. The bottom of the room will fill up with water and present a nasty surprise forthe Bully Robots in the room below. You should also have a red tool in your inventory, similar to alever. This is because you're supposed to get it another way before releasing the water, but as youget it anyway, this is not necessary.Now go over to the table where the radio is and open the drawer. You should get a book out of it withvarious diagrams in.

Don't worry about this just flick through the pages to the back and you'll findanother red tool. The third red tool is already attached to the pipes.

Click on the pipes and you'll get acloser view. Click on the one already attached to put it into your inventory.

Then attach them as follows:First one on the first column and then both of them on the second column. This will stop the waterflowing from the water tank. Now climb back up into the main square and hop into the water tank.Unscrew the panel to get into the pipe leading off to the right and you'll reach the#Lift#First hop down and then press the red button to the left.

This will release the brakes and you'll fall tothe bottom, next to a window. Look through that window and you'll see your robot girlfriend! Aww.Anyway, you get to take control of her now. First, take the pot off of the stove and put it down on theground. Then, standing on it, open up the cupboard just above it. Take the sweetcorn from thecupboard and place it on the stove. You'll create, surprisingly enough, some popcorn.

It will getsucked up the stove's chimney and then you'll switch back to your original robot. The popcorn willping out of the chimney and knock off a hook that was resting on it.Now pass the hook through the window to the girl robot. Use the hook on the grill at the top of theroom, covered in ice, and it'll detach the grill revealing some tubing. Use the hook on the tubing andit'll get knocked down for collection. The tube is frozen solid however, so we'll need to defrost it first.Put the pot back on the stove and place the tubing in it.

This will defrost it and enable it to be used.Now connect the pipe to the oil pump and the girl will throw the other end to your robot. He'll then useit to refuel the lift. Now get him to pull the starter cord on the lift and then click on the panel in thecorner of the lift. To get the lift to rise we need to play yet another mini game. The idea with this one isto switch around the black and red pins.

It's pretty simple and shouldn't take you too long to complete.Once that's done click the lever at the bottom so that you can rise up.Once you get to the top you should see a Robot Fan. Click it on it to wake it up and it'll ask you aseries of questions (about fans). The idea is to get them WRONG though. Once you get enoughwrong the Fan Robot (FanBot?) gets so angry that it's fan flies out past you, enabling you access tothe next room.#Greenhouse#First things first, go to the desk and grab both the drawers. These are slides that are used for theprojector, but we can't use it properly at the moment.

We need to power up the projector first. To dothis we need to walk over to the panel next to the desk and click it. You have to play another minigamehere, six times in total. To complete this one you need to fill up the screen with yellow squares,without trapping yourself. It may take a while but you'll soon get the hang of it.Now, remember that plant we picked up after the angry neighbour threw a flower pot at us? Well,we're going to make it grow now.

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Put it into the spare flowerpot. Now push the contraption that looksrather like a laser so that it is just to the right of the plant. Now go back to the control panel and hit thebottom left button, causing the contraption to emit a beam at the plant which makes it grow rapidly. Itturns out it is a sunflower, click on it to shake it and get some sunflower seeds.Now you should see a forked stick that's supporting the plant on the right. Click on this to pick it up.Now move the Growth Machine next to this plant and hit the power. This will cause the carnivorousplants to open their lids.

Now walk up the steps so that you're next to the carnivorous plant that'snearest the raised platform. At the moment you can't reach inside it because it snaps at you, so propit open with the forked stick. You'll find a magnifying glass inside it: the final piece of the projector.After putting the magnifying glass into the projector load the Slides labelled I.

Flick through these untilyou see the slide showing a butterfly robot. This slide is important because the pattern of red dots onits wings is the code for unlocking the door at the left side of the room. Don't worry about the secondset of slides, there's nothing crucial on them.#Crumbling bridge and Guard#Before we do anything else, this is our chance to get the sunflower oil that the wheelchair robot askedfor. Put the oil can at the bottom of the pump right next to the door, put the sunflower seeds in the topand then pump it. Bingo, sunflower oil.Now click on the guard.

He won't move, but puts his baby robot down and tells it to walk to you. Itdoesn't make it however and falls flat on its face. The guard explains that it is out of batteries, so it isup to you to get some. So we need to make our way back to the Main Square.

Slide down the pipe justto the right of the guard.#Main Square Pt. 2#Now go and give the sunflower oil to the wheelchair robot and in return he'll give you a ticket to get intothe arcade. He'll also unravel his bandages, which you need to take.

You should also notice a Batteryvending machine here, but we have no money at the moment so we need to get some from theArcade. Go left from the Main Square and you'll come to entrance to the arcade (where weelectrocuted the cat). Insert the ticket into the slot just by the door and we'll have access.The first thing you'll notice is that none of the machines have any power, so we need to generatethem.

The machine at the left is the key to making the power. You'll notice that the lever at the side ofthe machine is at 1, indicating which machine we're giving power to. Hop onto the bike and move yourmouse in circles to generate the electricity you need to power the machine. Then get off and activatethe first machine. You'll have to play a little Space Invaders clone to get the first coin (you can use thekeyboard to control, as using the buttons is pointlessly difficult). Once you hit 1000 points you'll get thecoin. Make sure you reach into the pot where the coins come out of or you won't pick it up.Now we need to power up machine number 2.

Just move the lever down to 2 and use the bike togenerate the power. This one is a puzzle game and is a little tougher, but you'll crack it eventually,netting you another coin. In case you were wondering what 3 is, it's nothing. Putting power into it willsimply cause it to break. Go back to the main square and put both the coins into the battery vendingmachine. Now we have the two batteries we need.

Combine them with the bandages and you havethe proper power pack for the robot baby. Now climb back up the pipe we climbed down to get back tothe main square and give the power pack to the baby robot.

The guard will shuffle out of you way andput the power pack in the baby's head. He'll then watch it walk back and forth. Anyway, go through thedoor he was blocking.#Central Lift#First, click on the dirt in the plant pot. He'll pick some up and drop it on the floor.

A little robot will comeout to clean it up. Click on it and you'll pick up and shake it, revealing a bulb that is used for controllingthe lift. Click on the lift controls at the left side of the room and we'll be greeted with a display of lights.It also shows us that we are on floor 1. You need to light up these lights to go to the floor indicated bythe symbols on the wall beside the controls. Don't bother going to floor 0, as that will take us back tothe bottom of the pipe and we don't need to go there.So instead we need to go to floor 2. The symbol for this is hidden behind the leaf of the plant.

Stretchyourself up and move it out of the way, and you'll see it's another type of star. Create that star usingthe lights and you'll arrive at floor 2. Come out on this floor by moving your mouse to the bottom of thescreen until it turns into an arrow.#Second Floor#Our big job on this floor is to defuse the bomb the Bully Robots stuck to the side of the tower.Interestingly if you click on the robot sitting on a little shelf at the left side of the room it'll show how itwas kidnapped. This is a throwback to the Samorost games, also made by Amanita games.

Anyway,pull the lever below this robot down four times to move the vacuum robot into the next room. Follow itinto the next room and you'll find yourself in a toilet. Climb on top of the robot and grab the scissorsfrom the shelf above. Then go back to the lever in the previous room and pull the lever upwards twice,until the robot is underneath the chandelier. We can't cut the chandelier wire at the moment though,because the power's still on.

So we need to turn the power off using the power box next to the right-hand door. Then we use the scissors to snip the chandelier's wire.Next turn the power back on and use the lever to move the vacuum robot into the next room. Then tiethe end of the chandelier's wire to the robot and hook the chandelier on the toilet. Then use the leverto move the vacuum robot back into the previous room.

Go back into the toilet and you'll seeit's been ripped up, giving you easier access to the bomb. Click on the toilet paper and he'll use it asa lifeline, dangling down next to the bomb.

Click on the bomb to swing over to it. Now you need to bequick here, as you only have a limited time to defuse the bomb before it explodes. You need to followthe tangle of wires to determine where each of the fuses goes. The order is: DBEAC (Pleasesomeone check that!).Well, you've defused the bomb but that's not the end. There's still more to go.

Click out of the bomb'spanel and he'll use the toilet paper to clamber back up to the toilet. Go back into the main room, andthen up the set of stairs.#Top of the tower#You'll come into a room with a large-headed robot drooling to itself. You need to fix this robot, as it'sgotten a virus from the Bully Robot. If you click on the robot you'll see what happened. To get what youneed to fix him, go over to the panel on the far left. It should have a red button right in the centre. Clickthat button and we're presented with a very difficult puzzle.

This puzzle is impossible to explain inwords, so instead I shall show you a screenshot of the in game walkthrough, which explains thesolution.- Gives help for the nextminigame as well.Anyway after finishing these puzzles you'll get a extension cord. Use this on the big-headed robot andyou'll be plugged into it. Then you need to play a retro minigame.

Your object is to move around yourlittle character and destroy the little Bully Robot avatars. First you need to pick up the gun though. Butbefore that you'll need to find the key. Anyway after you've defeated all of the enemies it will exit outand the big-headed robot will perk up, and give you the remaining light for main lift. So go back downthe stairs and back into the lift.

Now you need to form the star that takes you to floor -1. Exit the lift andyou'll find yourself under the bar.You should see a sledgehammer resting on a block.

Pick this up and first use it to smash the glasscovering the key next to it. Put the hammer down and grab the key, but don't bother using it on the biglock next to you, as it doesn't fit. Instead go back into the lift and use the key on the panel at the farright of the lift.

Inside is a spray with a snowflake on, take it and spray it on the large lock under thebar. It'll freeze solid and therefore smash when you hit it with the sledgehammer.

That sends thefloating Bully Robots above down through the hole and gives you a chance to free the robot'sgirlfriend. After that you'll make your way up to the top of the tower again, this time with your girlfriendin tow. Go out the left door and you'll be outside the tower.Your girlfriend will position herself next to a four pronged wheel-type thing. While you need to walkover to a contraption at the far left with five things sticking out of the bottom.

When clicking on it you'llget a close up and you can see the message 7: 108. This is mostly for people that understandmusic, but if you don't I'll explain.

Assigning each little prong a number from 1 – 5, the correct code is:1423523. This will pop out the stairs. Then you need to click on the four pronged wheel that getspushed out next to the girl and she'll stop it from retracting. If you don't do this then the stairs willdisappear. After you've done all that click on the stairs to climb into the police helicopter and away yougo.The end! Hope you had fun playing.

I hope my walkthrough was accurate enough for you to getthrough the game and still have some fun in the process. If you have any questions or queries feelfree to email me Colony survival wiki.

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