River City Girls Kyoko

admin  13.03.2020  No Commentson River City Girls Kyoko

Game Description There’s trouble once again on the mean streets of River City, but this time the boys are in over their heads! In this all-new entry in the legendary beat-’em-up series, hot-blooded heroes Kuni and Riki have been captured, leaving it to their hard-hitting girlfriends, Kyoko and Misako, to serve up some payback. The River City Girls really didn't understand the ending, did they? Believing that Riki and Kunio cheated on them (instead of the fact that they're just a pair of goofy stalkers,) Misako and Kyoko are justifiably upset after the events of the game. When Misako takes off to go punch some heads and work out her aggression, Kyoko lingers behind.

I think there's a subtle joke being missed; they didn't just change it so that Misako and Kyoko are their girlfriends.They changed it so Misako and Kyoko are their girlfriends if they beat Hasebe and Mami in a fight. Without getting the secret boss fight, you get the original ending where you are not their girlfriends. If you do beat them you get the new ending where you are. Right after having an argument with Hasebe and Mami about whether the game where you dated Riki and Kunio counts or not, and then deciding 'screw it, let's fight'.So Kyoko and Misako had a disagreement with Hasebe and Mami about whether or not they are dating Riki and Kunio, and then a fight decided who is right.That is both hilarious, and very appropriate for River City. I didn’t know all that. Didn’t even realize there was a secret boss fight.I get it’s a joke but to me it felt like the whole story was pointless.

Here I was thinkin I was this badass rescuing kunio.As I progressed I liked the protagonists more and more. Then at the end I find out this whole time they were deranged, delusional, lunatic stalkers who imagined these relationships.Completely changes your perception of the character. They did foreshadow it at one point but idk just wasn’t for me.But yeah I definitely gotta check out the secret boss fight.

Definitely check it out, the dialogue before the ending helps put the ending in context. Basically Hasebe/Mami say Kyoko and Misako didn't really date Riki and Kunio because that all happened in a game that never made it to the US. Kyoko and Misako beat them into admitting they are the real girlfriends. Only by beating Hasebe and Mami into admitting that Kyoko and Misako are the real girlfriends do you get the alternate ending where Kyoko and Misako are dating Riki and Kunio.So yeah, they decided which games count for the backstory of this game with a fistfight:POr the less 4th-wall breaking way to view it is they decided who is dating Riki and Kunio with a fistfight. Which is also hilarious in context of the credits music, where the lead male singer sings about how he loves dating women who can kick his ass.

Wayforward released a new character trailer for their take on the action-centric River City Ransom series, River City Girls, coming to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC on September 5.

The trailer introduces Kyoko, who is a little more cheerful than her friend Misak0. She is excited about life but is also completely in love with her boyfriend Riki. This means that anyone that messes with him will suffer her wrath. The trailer shows Kyoko in action and gives players a look at her more aggressive side.


River City Girls tells the story of Kyoko and Misako, two high-schoolers who know a thing or two about defending themselves as they explore the six regions of River City to rescue their kidnapped boyfriends, who happen to Kunio and Riki. Players will utilize the game’s combo mechanics which includes counters, throws, and special attacks as they fight their way through the streets. They’ll also be able to interact with NPCs, which includes guest stars from previous River City titles.

Mainstay features like item and food shops will also be returning including various ways to unlock new abilities. The girls will even be about to wield weapons and recruit defeated foes to join them in battle.

River City Girls can be played single or multiplayer via local play and will launch at a retail price of $29.99. A physical version of the game will be available through Limited Run Games.


You can watch the character trailer below:

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