Supreme Ruler Ultimate Tips
Jul 20, 2018 Supreme Ruler Ultimate: Beginners Guide part 2 (Game UI) - Duration: 27:38. Average Gamer 16,393 views.
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Hello Artyom, I tried playing as Lithuania for a few times. I had successfully paid ALL debts, had a GDP of nearly 40,000, steady income and many research centers.Basically, how I did this, was mathematical. I've checked what raw materials and goods my country lacks and built factories/mines/agriculture/power stations accordingly. This way, my country had become self-sufficient and instead of importing things, it started to export and gain money. I had also set taxes low to encourage businesses.
I set social security/pensions/unemployment on low investment and law enforcement, law, health, envirnoment at higher than recommended.Another important thing - I disbanded all my army. My military budget was 0$.However research budget was maxed out and additional research centers were built.I was also trading technologies with other nations until I became the #1 technologically advanced nation in the world (then I couldn't research anything more because of my relatively low tech level rating).And the last thing to mention - I had treaties with rich, advanced nations. Every treaty except alliance and free trade, I think. The bond will re-issue under your current interest rate. So whatever interest rate you pay on a new bond.
That's what the original will re-issue to.I played India in 2020 expansion and paid her debt. Other than the U.S. I think she had the 2nd or 3rd highest debt and the second larget population. It took me a month lol. All I did was run the nation with an emphasis on debt. I built 14 research facilities and brought India just behind the U.S. In tech ranking.
Became the worlds largest exporter of energy once I hit 2011 (Tech Ranking) and the Stirling Solar Panels Technology. I built 200 facilities and shut down every other power source allowing me to export uranium and disable all unneeded raw materials production. The key to this game is micro management. Don't overproduce anything. Always keep in mind that the world economy simulates the actual world market pretty well. For example if you begin to overproduce oil then the price will drop and you will actually make less money than if you had just maintained. Typically I give my 'advisor' full authority (unless it's an emergency situation) with one directive.
Produce most profitable products for export. Then I shut facilities down as I need them. As India I have every single source of petrol tapped but I still haven't ever reached maximum production. I only have about 90 currently running with a surplus of roughly 1 million barrels a day.If you take that concept into trade ect it will revolutionize your economy because it squeezes every penny possible thus allowing you to pay the debt. You pay maintainence on facilites so if you are overproducing you are shooting yourself in the foot in a number of ways. First you can't sell all of it so it stockpiles. If you are running that kind of production you will never NEED a stockpile.
So you are paying enormous amounts of money to produce goods only to stockpile them and you don't need them. Even if your advisor automatically reduces production you are paying maintainence on every ACTIVE facility. If you go to your expense report that number is usually around 200 million with a fully developed nation.
That's nearly enough money to handle some of your biggest social expenses. By carefully planning your production to match the world market you can knock as much as 25% off the budget and it's essentially free. It's an efficiency thing more than anything else. Because you already have the facilities built you can simply fire a few up (usually in increments of 5) now and again when you need too. Finally as I mention from overproducing you drop the world market price of goods. Just like OPEC in real life you want to manage your production to get the most out of your product. You want the price high.Finally you have to be adaptable in the world economy.
If you had a low GDP resource rich nation for a long time but have now enetered a phase where it's actually cheaper to BUY the goods from the market than produce them don't worry. I was a leading producer in consumer goods for a long time but the price eventually became unmanageable. Instead of stubbnornly continuing to produce my OWN consumer goods I shut down (not scrapped) every single consumer goods facility in my nation and started buying off the world marketplace. What you loose in your trade balance you gain in money saved via production and more. Also the price is beginning to come back up. I went from being a major world producer to a major world consumer thus increasing demand and driving the price back up.
Once it level out I will crank out my own consumer goods once again or continue to drive the price up so that I can once again be an exporter. But remember this. Once a product stagnates on the world market it's the beginning of the end for your trade balance.
The very best you can do is create a small manageable surplus which will bring in a small steady amount of income without foricng maket prices too far down. The real key to income is GDP, the products you SELL to your people ie domestic sales, and Technology because it's the only thing which can make a high GDP nation competitive in the world market. I generally opperate at least 15 research facilites EVEN with a small nation. It will eventually pay for itself.Anyways I've taken many nations out of debt but India was the hardest thus far because the population is so big and the GDP begins at around 6k (Mine is now 20k.) It's all about managing the marketplace. Keeping an eye on the p's and q's. Don't overreact if a product starts to slip.
Simply go with the flow. If consumer goods were your biggest export for a LONG time but now it's barely earning you anything and your nation is suddenly redlining. Shut down as many facilities as it takes to create a small steady surplus which will not stockpile. Do that and you can afford to pay the debt.BTW I ran Israel for a few weeks. I did manage to stabalize the nation and actually become a producer but it takes WAR.
You have to invade and capture the surrounding territory and bring the people into your nation. That's the hardest thing about running a small nation. It's not the prodction. It's not trade or exports or anything else but population. The more people you have the more people pay taxes, buy goods via domestic sales ect ect. In my Israel campaign I have control over most of the Western Middle East and a hefty peice of Egypt.
Contents Keyboard CommandsThe designers have tried to assign keys 'mnemonically', ie. The letter is the beginning of the command. Unfortunatly some letters are overused, so the second letter or a 'similar' letter is used. It is the letter that is entered, not the keyboard key position, ie. For non-US keyboards you may find some keys awkward (f.ex. Must use AltGR-8 for ' )Ingame you can get most of these by pressing F12Basic unit commandsThe same command works slightly different depending on unit given to, particularily stationary or mobile units. Most commands require a left-click where/on what the action is to be performed.
Remember commands can be queued up by using Shift-left-click when setting destination.KeyCommandAdditional notesMost unitsSStopAll: Stop motion. Clears all way points. Clears build queuesMMoveMobile units: Move.
Factories: Set rally point (Built units move to)AAttackFire and follow until enemy deadPPatrolMobile units: Patrol. Factories: Built units made go on patrol.IGuard/AssistEngineers: Keep unit at full health. Mobile units: Follow and fire on attackers of unit. Factories (assisting other factories): Build same unitsZUnit PauseEngineer/Factories: Pause building or upgrading.Ctrl-KSuicideAll: Selfdestruct! (Other units standing too close may damage, friend or foe)Only applicable to few unitsRRepairEngineer/ACU/SCUEReclaimEngineer/ACU/SCU: Get the mass/energy from tree, stone etc.
Can recycle material from own units, too.CCaptureEngineer/ACU/SCU: Make enemy unit your ownBBuildEngineers/ACU/SCU and factories: Enters special keyboard entry mode. See table below. Leave with ESC key.DDiveSubmarines: Toggles their state - surfaced or submerged. (If multiple selected they will all change to opposite state, not become same state)FFerryTransport: Sets the putdown point (See or )UTransportTransport: Load a unit or Unload unit at point, stop there. Air Stage Station: Move parked units.LLaunch Tac.Miss.Tactical Missile Launchers (stationary unit, some ships, and some ACUs): Fire one missile (must be built)NNukeStrategic Launcher and nuclear sub: Fire one nuclear missile (must be built)Toggle Fire stateAttack&Chase or just return fire. The 'nonagressive' state means the Attack command does not work.Build ModeThe B key enters a special keyboard entry mode - Build mode.
End build mode with ESC.The specific list varies with the building unit (Engineer/ACU, Factory) and the faction. The command keys are shown in the UI menu on the menu items. Some examplesLetterMnemonic?Typical unitsEngineer/ACUEExtractorMass extractor (all levels)PPowerPower generator (all levels)DDefensePoint defense towersNA nti AirAir defense towersRA rtilleryLLandFactoryAAirFactorySSeaFactoryWWall.list incompleteFactoryEEngineer(all levels)SSpy or ScoutThe fast recon unitFFighter/FrigateTTransportAir transport unitUUpgradeAlso valid for stationary units that can upgradeFor all1.