The Blackwell Convergence Game
Congratulations, you have finished The Blackwell Convergence. If you're interested in Unlocking all of the Steam Achievements, you can check out our guide: Blackwell Convergence - Steam Achievements You can also find this walkthrough on YouTube: The Countess & The Endgame Walkthrough - Blackwell Convergance.
The Blackwell Convergence WalkthroughThe Blackwell ConvergenceWalkthrough, by Old MarinerThe third in Wadjet Eye's series of Joey theghost and his medium partner Rosangela. The second game featured Rosangela'saunt to connect the series and illustrate its origins. The creator, Dave Gilbertcontinues with his sharp wit in the engaging story. The independent producer hasbrought a rather short but very entertaining game. Like the others this is pointand click in third person view in 2d graphics. You can switch between Joey andRosa by clicking on the J&R tab on top of screen or using the tab key. Thepuzzles in general are solved by using the appropriate statement or question inthe conversation tree.
There are few inventory item puzzles such as the paperclip used in the opening scene. You look at things and interact with them by amouse click. Right and left clicks often brings different reactions. Savesappear to be unlimited. When you exit any location you will see a screenfeaturing a city skyline with small pictures of locations you can access. Thisis your map and new locations will be added as you discover them throughcharacter interaction. When using the Rosa's computer you can actually enter theauthor's name into Oogle and come up with a response.
Means nothing in regard togame play but it is a neat twist. There is also a directors comments feature butit should be used on a second play through as the pop up screen tend to hindergame play. Listening to Dave's thoughts are interesting and a nice touch.Intro: New York City, West SideWatch the cut scene. You see an empty room,right click on objects to identify them and left click to interact.
After youlooked around click on the door. Rosa says, 'it is locked'.
Switch to Joey usingTab key or clicking the J button in the dropdown menu top of screen. Click oninitials J or R to switch between Joey and Rosa. As Joey examine as many thingsas you can, he offers some humorous comments. Right click the shiny object nearthe door to discover a paper clip.
Left click to blow it under the door toRosangela. Switch to Rosa. Click the paper clip in your inventory, then thedoor. Again look at everything to draw comments then click the desk to find anobituary. The information will be stored in your notes, accessed by the topmenu. Click the sheet from the middle window to pull it down.Switch to Joey.
Click the ghostly hand on theleft side of the center window. After a conversation with Rosa, click the handagain to go outside and talk to the ghost. Consult your notebook to confirm thathe is the man from the obituary. Convince him to come inside and talk to Rosa bypretending his wife or a potential business partner is inside. As Rosa, select aconversation option that insults him. He will get defensive and pull himselftogether.
If you pick the wrong option he will go back out to the ledge. Joeygoes back out to get him. As Rosa insult him again then watch the cut scene.GalleryAfter the cut scene you see the game introcredits and then you are taken to Rosa's apartment. Rosa tells Joey she isforgetting something. Check your notebook and speak with Joey. Examine thecalendar to discover you are late for an art opening.
Click the computer and doa web search for 'Park Gallery' to find the address of the art opening. Clickthe elevator then the Park Gallery location. Talk with Ms. Park then talk toNisha until she introduces you to Monique.
Talk to Monique and get her businesscard. Agree to meet tomorrow to hear her ghost story. You hear the name FrankLyons which will lead to more investigations. Look around and speak again withMs. It is just small talk for now.
Try to leave the opening by clicking onthe stairs, Nisha will ask you to stay. Select stay, and you will get drunk andhave a strange cutscene at the portal. Wake up the next morning at yourapartment. Examine Monique's card in your inventory, right click to get heraddress. Go to Cube Star Films. Talk to Monique about Lyons, exhaust allconversation until you get a new location, Gothic Bridge, Central Park.
Thentalk about the cat and go to Gothic Bridge.Switch to Joey and talk to the ghost toconfirm his identity as Frank Lyons. Continue talking until he mentions anothernew location, 'The Minetta'. You can talk to him as Rosa for a few funny linesthen return to your residence and do an internet search for Minetta. It turnsout to be a bar near your place. Go to the pub and question the bar tender buthe has never heard of Frank. Return to Cube Star and talk to Monique until shetells you about Frank's apartment.Back To The BridgeReturn to Frank and talk to him as Joey.
Talkabout the Minetta until he mentions the Joe Gould fund. Go to your residence anddo a web search for Joe Gould fund. Return to the Minetta and question thebartender about Joe Gould. Examine the big portrait of Joe Gould on the wallbehind you.
Return to Cube Star. At this point it should be raining, and thecat, Isla, will come inside. Talk to Monique about Isla. As Joey, play with Ilsa.Then switch to Rosa while the cat is playing, and examine the cat to findFrank's address on its ID tag. Go to Frank's apartment. As Joey, enter theapartment.
Examine the papers on the table to see the script for the film. Nowyou know how to finish the lines with Frank.
Go back to Frank and talk to him asRosa. These are the correct responses in order. Clicking the script in yourinventory will do no good. I tried it before figuring out the correctconversation sequence.
It got quite frustrating.1.Ask him how he knew.2.Tell him he's dead.3.You aren't going.4.Repeat yourself5.Tom.Once you've gone through the lines, Frank willramble, you need to click on him as Rosa to get him to realize he is dead.During another cut scene at the Portal you discover that Frank was murdered. Hewas strangled. After the cut scene you are brought back to Joey and into anothercut scene with the Countess ghost. You regain control back at apartment.
You canask Joey about the Countess choosing either a long version or a short one. Thelong version is but a moment or so and discusses the countess from the secondgame. Rosa has a dream where she is in the bar on the floor.
Click on theflashing painting and listen to the ghost. Then wake up in the apartment.Discovering the CountessThe next morning Joey tells Rosa a portrait ofthe Countess was at the gallery. Return to gallery and look at the painting.Talk to Claudia about the portrait until she tells you about the RooseveltIsland Lighthouse adding it to your map. Also discuss the investors to learnabout the Meltzer Foundation. Explore the conversation tree, though theimportant elements to discover are the Lighthouse and the Meltzer Foundation. Goto the lighthouse but you find nothing there. Look at the lighthouse and talk toJoey about your plans then leave.
Head to Minetta to find Claude. He's not quitedrunk enough to talk about his art yet.
Discuss Joe Gould to discover aconnection between Joe Gould and Joseph Mitchell, the reporter linked to theCountess. Return to Cube Star and talk to Monique about Joe's death and theMeltzer Foundation. Discover they invested in her and she was very defensiveabout Joe's death. Return to your residence and do a web search for the MeltzerFoundation to find their address.With the location added to your map go toMeltzer Foundation.
Exhaust all conversation options with Paul Meltzer at theconclusion he will give you a business card with their Bmail address. B-Mailseems to be some cheap version of E-mail based upon the way the brothers talkabout it. When you exit you are asked if Joey should stay behind to spy, choseyes. He needs to discover the B-mail password.
It is (TENNIS53) Joey does nothear the login but somehow you know it is is (PAULM). At home there is noconversation between Rosa and Joey about the login and password. You see noindication of how she learned it, but she did. Log out of Rosa'sB-mail account then log into Meltzer's usingthe login and password, yes typing in all caps works. Read all of his B-mail,when finished Joey will suggest you go to the gallery for the opening.Talk to Claude. He won't talk to you unlessyou understand art.
He'll stand in front of a painting and ask you what youthink then move on to another painting for yet another question. Select theresponses as follows,1The Countess2The Dark Lady3Understanding Art4The hard lines in this painting are really provocative5Does this painting represent darkness and shadow?6Why is one side so colorful and the other so dark?If you choose correctly, he'll ask you to stepoutside with him. Explore all conversation options, and warn him about Countess.You have no options as the countess appears tossing Claude off the fire escapekilling him. A cut scene portrays another dream before waking in Rosa'sapartment. Talk to Joey then go to the lighthouse.ConnectionsThe next morning, return to the RooseveltIsland Lighthouse. Talk to the man standing there.
As Joey, examine the coffeemug the man is holding to learn about Gold Tech. Return home and do a web searchon Gold Tech to find out about John Goldwater, who died at the lighthouse. Theman was probably his father.
Return to the lighthouse and talk to MartinGoldwater again. He'll now talk to you. Talk about Joe Gould, and his son Johnuntil he tells you about Lazarus Technology. Return home and look up Lazarus onthe internet to get their phone number. Click the phone next to the computer tocall the company.
Choose all three options. Go to Park Gallery and talk toClaudia. Learn about her windfall.
Go to Meltzer explore all conversationoptions especially discussing how they have profited from each death. Includethe notebook items as triggering the correct dialogue line for Joey to hear thepassword is essential.
If you miss the profiting line the following conversationmentioning the password will not occur. Leave the room and have Joey eavesdrop.Overhear Paul call Charlie 'Scooter', recall from emails that Charlie sent anemail to Paul reminding him that his email password is his childhood nickname.If the password is not a part of the conversation between the brothers go backand question again. Return to home. As with the first e-mail puzzle you will nothear any exchange where Joey informs Rosa of the password.
This should have beenincluded. Log into Charlie Meltzer's Bmail account with login, (CHARLESM) andpassword, (SCOOTER). His Bmail account contains the names of all thepeople who have died. While you talk to Joey about what to do next, your nameappears in his inbox.
Rosa is startled she is next. The Countess suddenlyappears in the room. While Joey struggles with her, leave the apartment andenter the trash room down the hall. When the Countess and Joey go into Nisha'sroom, return to your residence. Examine the picture of your aunt which isshaking on the wall, take it. When the Countess and Joey return to theapartment, use the picture of Rosa's aunt on the Countess. You have to walkclose to her for this to work.After the cut scene, you will be at portalwith Joey, Countess and Madeline.
Explore the entire tree with Madeline. Theimportant piece is you agree to help. Madeline takes you to a floating islanddiner which is the link between the Countess and her victims. Inside are JoeGould and Joseph Mitchell.
Talk to Joe Gould until you get his essays. In theclose up scene of the essay take the paper clip off the essay. Upon exit of theclose up, the essay goes back to Joe and you keep the paper clip.
Talk toJoseph, he will give a cigarette to Joe if they don't have to be around eachother. Use the paper clip on the kitchen door left corner of screen. You hearsounds like the voices heard in your dreams.
Click on the center oven to see astrange glow inside. Click on the oven again to talk to the glow. It is a partof the Countess. She doesn't want to move out into the cold. Try to take thelight, but your hand goes through it. Joe enters the room auto speaking.
Returnto the main room to talk to Joseph Mitchell. Inform him Joe is in the kitchen,and he will give you the pack of cigarettes. Return to the kitchen and give thepack to Joe. Talk to him about the cigarettes, and he will give you one. Use thelit cigarette on the light in the stove and the glow will come with you. Leavethe diner and talk to Madeline.The Countess was pretty upset at Charles andyou guess he is her next victim. Go to the Meltzer Foundation to check on him.Talk to Paul asking all you can, then go to roof.
Godfather five families free diamonds. While the Countess isattacking Charles, use the cigarette on the Countess. When Countess and Joey arefighting, have Rosa pick up Joey's tie.
A few times while they are fighting theCountess brings her hand back to cast a spell. She brings her hand back severaltimes. Don't worry if you miss it at first.
When her hand is back, have Rosa usethe tie on her hand. While Rosa has the Countess's hand, switch to Joey andclick the Countess to strike her.
Watch the final cutscene. Anothervery well done independent effort by Dave Gilbert.This document was provided to and may not be distributed withoutexpress written permission of the author and GameBoomers and the content may notbe altered in any way.