Unreal World Youtube

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UnReal World? A finnish book 'Sinivalkoinen pelikirja' is the first true chronicle covering the dawn and evolution of finnish video game sector (1984-2014). Here's the page about UnReal World in 'Sinivalkoinen pelikirja' where, among other things, it's stated that 'UnReal World is Finland's own Ultima'.

Hey everyone, first post on the forums. Recently with the launch of 4.8, I've decided to attempt a rather ambitious project regarding massive open world terrains. Using World Machine, I've created a 50x50 km landscape. Now originally, I used very few tiles as shown in other tutorials here on the forums (4x4 tiles, so 16 total). However, I found that with this size of a landscape, using so few tiles would cover far too vast of an area of the landscape, and I assumed that this would cause performance issues for the player. In addition, the amount of resources necessary to output tiles that large with the resolution and 1:1 m/p ratio was too much.So I've gone to a sort of extreme, and I suppose I'm doing a sanity check. I figured that if I'm creating a 50x50km world, and I want a fairly high resolution terrain, and I want decent performance, then when I needed to do was determine what a 'reasonable' chunk of terrain would be for the player to render through level streaming.

I estimated that about 500x500 meters was a decent size for a single tile of terrain, and what this results in is 100 x 100 tiles in world machine, so 10,000 total tiles. This is a methodology I found in post.Now I don't know if this is the best way to go about this.

I'm not sure how I would go about creating a landscape material for this, as instead of a single splatmap, normal map, or weight map, I'll have one for each tile of terrain (so again, 10,000 of each file). This was intuitive enough to work with when I created other large worlds, but with few tiles (only 16) and low resolution, but I'm questioning its practicality with large worlds such as this.Is there a better way to create an open world of this size, with a high resolution, and effectively divide the world into manageable chunks for the player? If this is a valid method, what sort of workflow should I use in order to create a landscape material if I'm using many different image maps, or does it matter?tl;dr: How do I make a 50x50 km world in World Machine, divide it into small manageable pieces for performance, and maintain a decent terrain resolution so I don't lose important details (rivers, erosion etc)I'd really appreciate some feedback/advice.Pic related, early version of the map.

Well before you jump in to such a huge process I would recommend to make some test, because at the moment I wasn't able to export the WM to look the same in UE4.So consider the following math to set up your WM:Decide you approximate terrain length in one side, eg 30km, then go and check UE4 recommended landscape sizes, these are like 505, 1009, 2017, 4033 and 8129.No make a quick calculation 30000m / 2017 = 14.87. The good news is that I found solutions for two of my major problems.The first is how to re-scale the Z from UE, because you don't like the resulted height after you Load your tiles:- Select you LandscapeProxies from the World Outliner, all of them! Go to Modes-Landscape. Without doing anything further here, check your Details window, because under Transform all your Settings became available, even though your Landscape Proxies which you selected earlier became deselected. Do not try to select them again, just simply set your Z value to another. It is imperative to have all your Proxies selected first, otherwise you will mess up your Z applying it just to some.The second and biggest issue, the fact that your imported landscape is flipped on X.- Select again ALL your Landscape Proxies, then right click, select Transform-Mirror X. Depending on the terrain size, you will wait a while, but it will solve your problemHope this helps.

Thanks for the information guys. It looks like I'm just going to experiment a bit with this and see how it performs. Currently I'm having issues importing the tiled landscape. It simply doesn't respond when I select my heightmap tiles. I can easily import only a few of the tiles though.

UE4 doesn't lock up, it just acts as if I didn't select anything.Edit: Usually for using splatmaps and normal maps, I'd simply use the image as a texture within the material. However when exporting a tiled landscape, instead of one splatmap I have one for each tile. How would I go about using a splatmap to establish a base texturing on a tiled landscape? About your import problem, you should check if in the import window detects the tiles resolution, if not this means your WM sizes are not correct, just follow my guide.Also always remove your imported tile levels from the Content Browser before you re-importing the same tiles! Otherwise you'll have a mess.Regarding the tiled flow map I'm afraid I don't know the correct answer.

I'm just two steps ahead of you. But this a good one.By the way, if you export your tiles in WM in steps and you want to import it progressively into UE, at the moment I'm havving the issue that the new tiles Z is shifted with almost 2000 cm! This is a mystery! In World Machine, making your maximum elevation is a multiple of 512 makes calculating the math of your landscapes z axis much easier.The default maximum elevation of a landscape in UE4 is 512meters, and it is created 100 cm upAs for the X and Y.

Since you are using 505x505 tiles, that's 505meters x 100 = 50500 or 50.5km.Then on your tiled build options page, select the tile resolution 505 as you said already.50 tiles per side100% blendingShare edge vertices should be tickedDON'T FLIP ON THE Y AXIS.Flipping your terrain on the Y axis does literally that and is completely useless. Yes, it will import your landscape in one piece, but it will be flipped. No amount of flipping nodes will correct this. You use flip nodes and flipping on Y axis option and you are back to square one. A landscape imported that doesn't line up.I don't know if you are using the pro version but I assume you are, I also assume you are doing a tiled build:PThe problem with importing to unreal is that it reads the file names wrong.

In particular the Y coordinates in the file name. So they need to be reversed.Say you have 4 tiles across, you would have.Exteriorx00y00Exteriorx00y01Exteriorx00y02Exteriorx00y03The Y coords need reversing, like so.Exteriorx00y00 - Exteriorx00y03Exteriorx00y01 - Exteriorx00y02Exteriorx00y02 - Exteriorx00y01Exteriorx00y03 - Exteriorx00y00This needs to be done for your height files as well as your texture height/weight maps.Then when importing, you have world composition ON. Then in the levels panel using 'Import Tiled Landscape'Like soThen on the 'Import Tiled Landscape' Dialogue.Set your tile coordinates offset to half of the total cells across in each direction. So in your case it would be minus 50 in both directions.

This will shift all the landscape tiles in that direction so your world will be created centred in the world composition tool.Make sure to set your scale and preferably a material instance on your main landscape material here. Thanks for the information guys.

It looks like I'm just going to experiment a bit with this and see how it performs. Currently I'm having issues importing the tiled landscape. It simply doesn't respond when I select my heightmap tiles. I can easily import only a few of the tiles though. UE4 doesn't lock up, it just acts as if I didn't select anything.Edit: Usually for using splatmaps and normal maps, I'd simply use the image as a texture within the material. However when exporting a tiled landscape, instead of one splatmap I have one for each tile. How would I go about using a splatmap to establish a base texturing on a tiled landscape?For your question regarding the textures, and flow map, you will get the answer here.

The is a legal document that you’re agreeing to when you choose one of two standard ways to sign up for the Unreal Engine. It governs your use of the Unreal Engine, and also describes your rights and obligations when you build games or other interactive off-the-shelf products using the engine. This license is free to use and incurs 5% royalties when you monetize your game or other interactive off-the-shelf product and your gross revenues from that product exceed $3,000 per quarter.Download the EULA as a PDF.The official version of the EULA is in English only, but we currently have a Japanese language, a Korean language, and a Chinese language available for reference purposes.(エンドユーザーライセンス契約書の正式な原本は英語版となりますが、参考として日本語参考訳、韓国語参考訳、中国語参考訳、をご用意しております。)EULA 공식 버전은 영어만 인정되나, 현재 참고용으로 일본어, 한국어, 중국어 가 제공되고 있습니다.EULA 的官方正式版本仅以英文提供,但我们也准备了 EULA 的,和以供参考。.

The is a legal document that you’re agreeing to when you choose one of two standard ways to sign up for the Unreal Engine. It governs your use of the Unreal Engine, and also describes your rights and obligations when you create projects using the engine. This license is free to use and 100% royalty-free; you can use it to create internal or free projects, or to develop linear content or custom projects for clients, but not for publishing off-the-shelf offerings.Download the EULA as a PDF.The official version of the EULA is in English only, but we currently have a Japanese language, a Korean language, and a Chinese language available for reference purposes.(エンドユーザーライセンス契約書の正式な原本は英語版となりますが、参考として日本語参考訳、韓国語参考訳、中国語参考訳、をご用意しております。)EULA 공식 버전은 영어만 인정되나, 현재 참고용으로 일본어, 한국어, 중국어 가 제공되고 있습니다.EULA 的官方正式版本仅以英文提供,但我们也准备了 EULA 的,和以供参考。. Unreal Engine is free to use. We offer a choice of licensing terms for monitized projects depending on your use of Unreal Engine.: This license is free to use and incurs 5% royalties when you monetize your game or other interactive off-the-shelf product and your gross revenues from that product exceed $3,000 per quarter.: This license is free to use and 100% royalty-free; you can use it to create internal or free projects, or to develop linear content or custom projects for clients, but not for publishing off-the-shelf offerings. There are also options for custom licenses.

Contact us to inquire about a custom license for either or use. Epic Games has committed $100,000,000 to provide financial grants to creative, noteworthy, and innovative projects built in and around Unreal Engine or projects that enhance the open-source 3D graphics ecosystem.Grants range from $5,000 to $500,000, and cover a variety of endeavors from enterprise or media and entertainment projects, game development, educational or student uses, and software tool development. No matter what size grant you receive, you will continue to own your IP and will be free to publish however you wish.

For grants up to and including $25,000, you will receive the entire grant amount in a single payment.For larger grants, funds will typically be paid out over several installments, depending on the size of the grant and complexity of your project. We’ll let you know about installment timing when your grant is approved, and will check in with you periodically throughout the life of your project. We’ll never tell you how to use money granted to you, but we do want to see continued planning, progress, and viability in your project prior to payout of an installment.With some large and complex projects, Epic may procure services for your use as part of the grant, if doing so would be efficient in bringing your project to fruition.The MegaGrant may have tax implications for you. We recommend you check with a tax professional familiar with your local tax laws to understand the tax implications to you. We’re looking to support anyone doing amazing things with UE4 or for the 3D graphics ecosystem. To ensure that Epic Mega Grants delivers the most value to the community, here are a few considerations:. Games: Please submit game projects that are past the idea/design phase and have at least some form of working prototype.

A link to a video of your working prototype would be ideal. Media & entertainment: We welcome applications for film, television and other visual media, location-based entertainment, and live events. Enterprise: We’d love to see your UE4 projects in other non-gaming verticals, including architecture, automotive, manufacturing, simulation, product design, advertising, VR/AR, and more. For complex projects, we are looking for more detailed project plans and prototypes. Education: Research, educational curricula and course development, student projects, and university programs using or related to UE4 are all eligible.

Any other UE4 projects undertaken by students or educators are also eligible to apply. Please note that for institutions, we only accept submissions from degree-granting schools and educators at such schools.

Tools and open-source development: You can submit an application for a new tool, plans to port existing tools to UE4, or creating tools that integrate existing software with UE4. You can also submit a new open-source tool (including tools that provide interoperability) or any enhancement for existing open-source projects related to 3D graphics. For new tools, we would like to see a detailed plan or, if available, a prototype.If you don’t know which of these categories your project falls into, please apply. The more details you can provide about your project, the easier it is for us to evaluate it.

Your royalty obligations do not depend on the features you use in Unreal Engine. Rather, royalty obligations will depend on the type of license that you accept. You can choose between the following license types:.: This license is free to use and incurs 5% royalties when you monetize your game or other interactive off-the-shelf product and your gross revenues from that product exceed $3,000 per quarter.: This license is free to use and 100% royalty-free, just like Unreal Studio was; you can use it to create internal or free projects, or to develop linear content or custom projects for clients, but not for publishing off-the-shelf offerings.

There are also options for custom licenses. Contact us to inquire about a custom license for either or use. Under the terms of the, you are generally obligated to pay to Epic 5% of all gross revenue after the first $3,000 per game or other off-the-shelf interactive product per calendar quarter, regardless of what company collects the revenue.


For example, if your product earns $10 from sales on the App Store, the royalty due is $0.50 (5% of $10), even though you would receive roughly $7 from Apple after they deduct their distribution fee of roughly $3 (30% of $10).Royalty payments are due 45 days after the close of each calendar quarter. Along with the payment, you must send a royalty report on a per-product basis. For more information, see our. Our aim is to provide powerful tools, a scalable and productive workflow, advanced features, and millions of lines of C source code that enable developers to achieve more than they would otherwise be able to, so that this structure works to everyone’s benefit.In this business model, Epic succeeds only when developers succeed using Unreal Engine. Many of the industry’s leading developers and publishers have signed up to license Unreal Engine with royalty-based terms over the years, and now this level of access is open to everyone.

And, don't forget, we continue to offer. Yes, and we have designed the Unreal Editor and launcher to accommodate this. We aim to build a unified UE4 development and modding community. Here is how this works: You’re free to release your game through any distribution channels of your choosing, however the UE4 Editor (including modified versions) and code may only be distributed through official Epic channels (e.g. The UE4 launcher for binaries, and GitHub for source), to users who have accepted the EULA.Epic has opened up the Epic Games launcher to developers who wish to ship games supporting mods using the Unreal Editor.

This is a great opportunity for games to inspire and benefit a rapidly-growing UE4 mod community. For an example of this process in action, see the Unreal Tournament tab within the UE4 launcher: it hosts the game, the editor, and a marketplace for user-created content. If you’re interested in pursuing this route for your project,. You’re free to release Unreal Engine products through a publisher or distributor, and the EULA gives you the right to sublicense the necessary parts of the Unreal Engine to them so they can release your product.When negotiating terms with publishers, please keep in mind that the royalty remains 5% of the product's gross revenue after the first $3,000 per game per calendar quarter from users. In this scenario, feel free to refer your publisher to Epic during discussions, as it may be advantageous to all if the publisher obtains a, multi-product Unreal Engine license covering your product.

Senran kagura peach beach splash neptune. (42).

Royalties are due on revenue from Kickstarter or other crowdfunding sources when the revenue is actually attributable to your product. For example, if the user is required to purchase a particular funding package to obtain access (now or later) to your product, or if that package gives the buyer benefits within the product such as in-game items or virtual currency.Here’s an example of what we mean by “attributable”: Assume you provide two tiers of offers, a signed poster for $20, and a signed poster plus game access for $50. No royalties are due on ancillary products like posters, so no royalty is due on the $20 tier.

On the $50 tier, the user is paying for the poster with a $20 value, and that implies that the remaining $30 of value is attributable to the product. So, for each $50 tier sale, you’d pay a royalty of $1.50 (5% of $30). The following revenue sources are royalty-free:. Ancillary products, including t-shirts, CDs, plushies, action figures, and books. The exception is items with embedded data or information, such as QR codes, that affect the operation of the product. Consulting, work-for-hire services, and in-house projects using Unreal Engine. This applies to using the engine to create architectural, automotive, or other visualizations, as well as consultants receiving a development fee for creating custom projects.


Non-interactive linear media, including movies, animated films, and cartoons distributed as video. Amusement park rides and live installations.

Truly free games and apps (with no associated revenue). The applicant must be an official post-secondary school of higher education, including colleges, polytechnics, and universities offering accredited academic degrees. At this time, professional training centers are not eligible.2. The institution must have been teaching Unreal Engine for more than six months. We are only seeking institutions with well-established UE4 curricula.3.

The school has an instructor allocated to teaching Unreal Engine.4. The program is offering one of the below accredited degree types:University or college level certificateAssociates DegreeUndergraduate DegreeMaster's Degree. You're free to redistribute all of Epic's UE4 source, and your modifications and extensions to it, to the UE4 community, through a fork of Epic's UE4 GitHub repository. Of course, you're also free to not redistribute any source, if that's what you prefer.Generally, source code is of interest to a smaller and more hardcore developer community than the Unreal Editor and its user-friendly interface for Blueprint visual scripting and other systems. We recommend starting with a release of mod tools, and considering source later as your community gains momentum. Yes, mod developers are free to purchase UE4 Marketplace content for use in their mods, and to redistribute that content to the general public as part of their playable mods (in the form of object code and cooked content).However, mod developers may only share commercial Marketplace content in source code or uncooked form within their mod development team.

This content format mustn't be released to the community at large, as Marketplace developers are relying on selling it to earn their livings.