Kessen II
I had picked up Kessen II back when the game came out many years ago, beat it, and let it collect dust on my shelf along with many other PS2 games. After many years of not playing I decided to pick up this game again and remember why I had bought it all those years ago. And it didn't take me long to remember.
Kessen II for PSX2.Written by Eagles' Version 1.07 (10/06/01)I added one more stage for Liu Bei in the walkthrough section.Version 1.06 (10/05/01)I added another four stages for Liu Bei in the walkthrough section.Version 1.05 (10/04/01)I added another two stages for Liu Bei in the walkthrough section. Iadded some third party characters in the character section as well.Version 1.04 (10/03/01)I added and changed a lot in the basic game play and game controlsection, now it looks a lot nicer. I also changed the enemy unitsinformation on the walkthrough to make it easier to understand. Mostimportantly, the formations part is up, huge thanks to Muni Shinobu.Version 1.03 (10/02/01)I added first three battles for Liu Bei in the walkthrough section.Version 1.02 (10/02/01)I added the tip, special abilities, and a little more on generals'statuses. I'm going to send this in to help those who have troublesfighting battles. I will soon start working on the walkthrough.Note: I expect there to be many stupid mistakes (spelling, grammar,etc.) on this FAQ since I wrote 14 pages in three school days. But Iwill soon find a time to go through it and find them all.
Please bepatient with me: P. And if you think the character section is sloppy(which I do), just give me some time I will add much more details oneach character.Version 1.01 (10/01/01)I added the character section; it's not yet completed.Version 1.0 (09/30/01)I just started this FAQ, and hopefully people who like the game willlike this. Airport simulator 2014 cheats. This is going to require a lot of work, but since my lovefor the game is strong, I will do it!!!:).Note: this is a FAQ for the English version.Everything is still coming up. I'm a full time college student, schoolis tough, so I don't have much free time, but I will try my best toupgrade this FAQ.Kessen II ('Kessen' means final battle, I think in both Japanese andChinese) is a strategy game based on the historical Chinese story 'TheRomance of Three Kingdoms'.
Ace combat infinity best planes. It's made by the mighty KOEI, which isknown for it's unique style of making historical strategy games(Romance of Three Kingdom (19), Dynasty Warriors (13), Kessen, andmany other great games).In general, Kessen II is a really fun game. If you have never playedany of the games above or never heard of the story of the Romance ofThree Kingdoms, it'd be kind of tough for you to understand it. Butstill, it's pretty good, due to its one of a kind game play and amazinggraphics.