Warsong Oil
Contents.ObjectivesCollect the Warsong Supplies: Warsong Saw Blades, Logging Rope, Warsong Oil, and the Warsong Axe Shipment for Locke Okarr in Splintertree Post.DescriptionWe are in short supply of a few items at the Warsong lumber camp!Pixel at Splintertree Post has our shipment of saw blades. It'll take a trip to Booty Bay to pick up a crate of axes from Wharfmaster Lozgil.Our shipment of oil and rope will be more difficult.
The rope was pilfered by the Thistlefur and Foulweald furbolgs, and the satyrs intercepted the delivery of the oil and are now using it for detestable rituals in Night Run, Satyrnaar, and Xavian!Can you help me?ProgressI hope you can come through with the supplies! I'm in big trouble if I don't deliver them soon!CompletionExcellent,. You've saved me a lot of work!But don't think that I'm not grateful!Rewards You will be able to choose one of these rewards:GainsUpon completion of this quest you will gain:. 2750 (or 16 80 at max level). 350 withPatch changes.
Rogue hearts apk download. For the quest Warsong Supplies in Ashenvale the areas highlighted for the objectives seem to be labeled incorrectly. Confirmed with 2 friends using the addon as well that theirs shows this too. Instead of Warsong Oil it is showing Warson.
(2010-11-23): Removed.External links.