Red Herring Answers

admin  24.03.2020  No Commentson Red Herring Answers

There are several level packs to be purchased in Red Herring, but the first (Imagination) is free to play. Inds roms. This guide only covers the Imagination levels.The tables below contain the answers for levels 1 through 25, displayed in a compact format for easy browsing. The categories are listed in the headers, with the 'Red Herring' category being listed on the right and in red as it is in-game.Answers for each category do not need to be input in a particular order, though playing in Easy and Normal places some answers for you to get you moving along.I have worked up the in a similar fashion.

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Feb 21, 2020  How to play Red Herring: 1. Group words into categories. Look out for the Red Herrings, pesky little words whose sole purpose is to mislead you. Red Herring is a unique new puzzle game. Each puzzle has only one correct solution and there's no time limit. Three difficulty levels make it suitable for the whole family. Red Herring is FUN, CHALLENGING, and EASY TO LEARN.